I wrote this on my Facebook page in response to -Whats on your mind?

Well I just loved the programme yesterday The Big Life Fix- Inventing the Impossible.(BBC 2, 20.00pm)

The man had some elements of hearing loss (very similar to Hyperacusis) as there were too many noises- JUST LIKE ME. It was intriguing to see what they would come up to resolve his issue. 

WOW! JUST WOW!- the device so he could hear the whole conversation and read what was being said and for him to be able to join in the conversation.  Is there a spare device as that's just what I could use in certain situations,it would help me to get a job, be more included in conversations and drown out the background noises. 

I did find that the hat wouldn't work for me as I cannot cope with the mobile phone alerts. So if there is anybody out there who would like to do the same help me find a solution to living with Hyperacusis please get in touch. 

Better still can I be on the programme? Well done I just so love this programme. Ps I would like to start riding a bike again but again am unable to hear the noises of traffic just like the man so it means until I find a solution i'm not able to...-Help?


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